While yoga is very effective in the treatment of many incurable diseases and the impossible, the therapeutic effect of yoga only occasionally and accidentally. Sex-related problems can be treated with yoga, the frequency of these problems with the body and mind. Due to a lack of confidence or anxiety or stress or fatigue and a very small number of cases is physical.
Here are a number of problems, including premature ejaculation, etc., gamophobia Yoga therapy prescribed.
Premature ejaculation
useful for the treatment of some breathing exercises, meditation and working with natural medicine.
Pranayama (breathing exercises)
1) 3 step breathing (6 times in a single step) - 6 min
2) The alternative respiration - 9 min
Meditation - Focus your attention on your breathing, feel the temperature and an excellent depth of breathing to maintain (ie breathe in and exhale for three seconds 3 seconds).
For optimal performance, these methods of yoga twice a day. While 8-10 glasses of water a day. Place a towel soaked in cold water (temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius) hidden in the spine at least twice a day for about 20 minutes of the meeting. At night, raw blue (suncharged) from nose to the end of the tailbone up to 2-4 inches above the spine.
Reduction of the herbs and excessive consumption of foods such as lamb and chicken from their diets.
Erectile dysfunction -
What yoga poses are useful for this condition:
Lift in the ass - 5 times.
abdominal lift. - 5 times.
Attitude of the printing press. - 1 min
Wind Release position. - 1 min
"Cobra". - 1 min
Yoga schedule treatment of impotence:
The asanas (postures) - Sun Health, the results of the wind does, abdominal lift, the lift anal forms of yoga, standing shoulder charges, team forms, a gesture of the horse, Lightning Attitude
Pranayama (breathing exercises) - Other Bellow breath and breathing.
Gamos Gamophobia marriage phobia and irrational fear and sunk. Sun gamophobia irrational fear of marriage.
Gamophobia man is afraid to marry. He / she is concerned about the idea of marriage, it is difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex. Signs of irrational thinking, excessive anxiety when a person says or take half against a better future, etc. In these cases it is better to practice, confidence, meditation and mind practice management to raise more peaceful and able to rationally thinking.
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