Let’s do the Yoga Moves

Yoga moves
Madonna. Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon, Katie Holmes and Janet Jackson do. These celebrities are involved in the movements of yoga. But that's not why you should do Yoga Moves. The reason why you should try the classical yoga movements is simple: make you feel working with a good feeling about everything.

Yoga is an ancient system of movement for the personal development of body and mind. Practitioners of yoga are considered a global lifestyle, focused on compassion, nonviolence and inner peace. It consists of movements of yoga and various poses.

With its gentle movements, movements of yoga are an ideal method for relaxation and stimulation of the body. Furthermore, by performing the yoga moves helps you stay focused and awake during the day.

Like every year, you have a yoga movements sitting at his desk. It starts with the basics of breathing. However, there are some yoga moves that are difficult, but it is not required for the body into a pose that is comfortable for you.

Here are some of the yoga moves easy to do:

1.The Facing Dog Pose Down

This yoga moves is considered the top dog of all poses. It begins with the hands and knees. Place the palms of your hands with fingers about an inch on each side of the carpet. Press the sides and back. Slow down your heels to the floor. Your body must be in an inverted "V". Breathe deeply and concentrate on stretching your heels closer to the ground by contracting your abdominal muscles and lift your buttocks high in the air. Make sure your head in line with the spine, looking back to your knees. Hold this position for approximately one minute.

2. Tree Pose

This is a simple yet powerful tool that balance and grace should pay.

Stand straight with legs together. Bend your left leg and place your left foot on right thigh fingers of the left foot should point to the ground and lets him have his left knee. With hands on hips, and even try to make them more or less level and your upper body is facing forward. Once you feel balanced lay your hands in prayer position in front of the chest, slowly lift your arms above your head, keeping your palms. Look carefully at one point in front of you and breathe deeply, held for about 30 seconds. Return to starting position and the hind legs.

3. Half-Bridge Pose

Finally this yoga moves will help improve your posture. Lie on your back with your arms at your palm down, knees bent and heels close to buttocks. On an exhalation, push your feet and arms on the floor and lift your pelvis into the air, so the increases end of the floor and your thighs parallel to the ground. Do not pinch your cheeks, but focus on extending the knee against the wall for you, keeping your thighs and feet parallel. Roll your shoulders up, so the arms move towards each other and close. Hold this position for approximately one minute, the release of an exhalation.

Practicing yoga movements for these few weeks and see how he is feeling much better!

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