26 Bikram Yoga poses

Bikram Yoga Pose
Twenty Six Bikram yoga pose exercises systematically fresh, oxygen-rich blood to move to one hundred percent of his body, each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working conditions, so as nature intended. Weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health and a feeling of well-being will automatically follow.
Bikram yoga class is a series of asanas designed five forty scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons in the order they should be stretched. Below is the list of 26 hatha yoga poses and their benefits.

Standing Deep Breathing

Pranayama (Sanskrit)
It is the permanent position, deep breathing helps the body from any practice of hot yoga positions

Half Moon Pose

Ardha-Chandrasana (Sanskrit)
This is called "Half Moon Pose" also known as the - a hands and feet are of the opinion that the flow of the warm-up. In 'Ardha' in Sanskrit means "half" and "Chandra means" moon "

Hands to feet

Hasthasana-pada (Sanskrit)

Awkward Pose

Utkatasana (Sanskrit)
This is the third position and is also called the "delicate situation" is known, because when you're finished, it's like they think they are half standing, half - and it looks and feels uncomfortable.

Eagle Pose

Garurasana (Sanskrit)
Room Bikram yoga pose called "Eagle Pose", which mimics the way an eagle in the earth.

Standing head to knee

Dandayamana-Janushirasana (Sanskrit)
Bikram Yoga Pose for a fifth permanent upside knee is a bit difficult to achieve without professional help (initially) because it requires flexibility

Stand straight bow

Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (Sanskrit)
It is a very difficult position, the bow also known as traction and law - the sixth in a series of 26 poses of Bikram Yoga.

Balancing Stick

Tuladandasana (Sanskrit)
The seventh position is Bikram yoga pose embroidery balance that is so called because they appear to be on a cane for balance.

Made to stand with legs apart Stretch

Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana (Sanskrit)
Eight is the standing position known and stretch your legs is made of deep route in each of his legs.

Triangle Pose

Trikanasana (Sanskrit)
The ninth position means that your body takes the shape of a triangle and is called the triangle pose

Standing head to knee pose separate branch

Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana (Sanskrit)
Bikram Yoga tenth is also called "permanent head for the relocation of the knee," as you stretch and bend both knees known.

Tree Pose

Tadasana (Sanskrit)
would in the eleventh position in the form of a tree, and it is therefore called upon as representing the tree.

Toe Stand

Padangustasana (Sanskrit)
Asanas or poses twelfth is known as Toe Pose Stand - a difficult position for beginners, but very easy to achieve in practice.

Dead Body Pose

Savasana (Sanskrit)
Save means a corpse and this asana Bikram Yoga is therefore known as the corpse. In this position (the thirteenth) relaxes the whole body in peace with your being.

Wind-Removing Pose

Pavanamuktasana (Sanskrit)
"Pavane" means "Wind" and "Muktar" means "free". As this Bikram Yogasana helps you remove gas from within the body it is known as the 'wind removing pose'.

Bhujangasana (Sanskrit)
In this yoga pose, the XVI, which is like cobra before the attacks mimic - known by the so-called cobra. "The word is Bhujang Cobra / snake in Sanskrit. The pictures below show the full and half cobra


Salabhasana (Sanskrit)
This position is "imitated known that the path of a Hummer." As a grasshopper Salabi "The word" locust "in Sanskrit

Full Locust Pose

Poorna-Salabhasana (Sanskrit)
Eighteen Bikram yoga poses "Poorna Salabhasana, also known as a" full locust "." Poorna "in Sanskrit means" complete "

Bow Pose

Dhanurasana (Sanskrit)
14 Dhanurasana asanas "or" Bow Pose. "Dhanush sheet and therefore this exercise are called Bow means pose.

Fixed Firm Pose

Supt-Vajrasana (Sanskrit)
Bikram yoga poses twenty, the "fixed firm pose," is easy to manufacture and repair of the body to another in the series, half of the turtle.

Half Tortoise

Ardha Kurmasana
Ardha-Kurmasana (Sanskrit)
This is the twenty-first approach that mimics the shape of a turtle is called Half Tortoise

Camel Pose

Ustrasana (Sanskrit)
The next position is the "Camel Pose," which resemble the shape of your body on a camel has.

Rabbit Pose

Sasangasana (Sanskrit)
In Sanskrit, Sasang rabbits and thus put our position as "rabbit" named

Attitude of the head and extend the knee pose

Janushirasana and Paschimotthanasana (Sanskrit)
The twenty-fourth position is the "Janushirasana Paschimottana with" as "Chief Knee Pose known

Ardha Matsyendrana
Vacuum Pose the spine

Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Sanskrit)
The attitude of the spinal twist is the twenty-fifth of all the Bikram Yoga. This is one of many unfavorable poses Series

Blowing cabinet assembly

Kapalbhati in Vajrasana (Sanskrit)
The last of the Bikram yoga pose series blows in the company, which is also a relaxed pose.

You can enjoy the full benefits of this series than in studies Bikram Yoga of approved. These studies have found Bikram yoga world. These studies are, so you always sufficient heat (104 ° F) to help you, your positions optimally designed. Bikram calls these studies as "torture chambers."
To become a certified instructor that the person must successfully complete training designed specifically to be extended for a period of two months. The candidate will be a certificate that he / she would be recognized as a certified instructor of Bikram Yoga awarded.

You'll find that Bikram yoga is also called "hot yoga" - because that is practiced in a pre-heated room. The reason for this aspect of Bikram Yoga is that heat the body with the flexibility to help more quickly while toxins - the 26 poses of Bikram Yoga is practiced in a room is to see the preheated usually mirrors on the walls to help people, how they work and thus the performance of their positions perfectly.

Bikram claims that if the series of Bikram Yoga is practiced in the right way, the person will never suffer from a disease in their lifetime. Yoga has the power to regulate all body functions, as well as voluntary and involuntary reflexes. The particular sequence that worked Bikram has said that the body is kept in good condition, is practiced regardless of age of the system.

1 comment:

  1. janushirasana benefits It is extremely nice to see the greatest details presented in an easy and understanding manner.
