Tracing the History of Yoga

The history of yoga has much to do with it. The first began yoga 5,000 years ago that human civilization began. The researchers believed that the origin of yoga Stone Age shamanism.
Indeed, a number of cultural similarities between the Mehrgarh a settlement of the Neolithic and modern Hinduism.
Mehrgarh shamanic culture has been influenced by the ideals, in fact, Hindu symbols and rituals of this. Ancient shamanism and early Yoga had found both the country he would go beyond the human condition.

Shamanism’s primary goal was to heal the members who were in their community and at the same time act as the religious mediators.

Archaic Yoga also had the same goals that were oriented to the community and the objective of the enormous order through senses and inner vision, which can be applied in our daily lives.

Over time, yoga has grown and found the experience more intimate. Yogis of training, individual rehabilitation and redemption concentrated better.

Yoga is in the products were the first archaeological evidence found in stone seals excavated from the Indus Valley followed. The postures of yoga have been found and give the figures that were presented at meetings of the stone. Artifacts were about 3000 books of history before Christ, the great civilization of the Indus-Sarasvati, known as the greatest civilization that has existed in the ancient world was connected. The Indus-Sarasvati, a shipping company, exported to Africa and the Middle East. Sewers and roads geometrical construction made of brick buildings.

The Vedas are the oldest newspaper in the world that the famous ancient texts, presented by the civilization of the Indus-Sarasvati. Is a compilation of songs that a high performance, hailed the ancient teachings of yoga included. You have this divine revelation. The intelligence of the Vedas was known as the Pre-classical Yoga or the Vedic. This was described by the rituals of yoga practitioners were needed beyond the bounds of reason.

The history of yoga would not be in the classical stage of yoga to its conclusion. After the time and the millennium, yoga and its spread in various forms have come with the need for standardization. This is important so that people know and can be used by them. For this reason, during the second century, Patanjali has composed and collected seminal text, the Yoga-Sutra which had defined the Classical Yoga.

In the post-classic in the history of yoga huge, there was a productive literature, Tantric Hatha and the famous place known today. They are taught in schools of yoga and practiced by many. Therefore, post classical Yoga is described to the adaptation of our present state. It is time for yoga has developed and introduced a lot of people. It was the United States were created in the years after 1800.

Now, in recent decades, yoga has developed a strong and fast. Swami Sivananda was one of the leading gurus yoga teacher time. He served as a doctor; she has generously opened up schools in Europe and America.

Now we have yoga today we move, is much more useful and easy to understand if we look back on the history of yoga.

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