Improve your sex life with Yoga

You already know yoga can give you more flexibility, better muscle tone, a sure way to relieve stress, and maybe even enlightenment. But a better sex life? Really? Sure. Yoga provides many physical and emotional benefits that the fun between the sheets and a satisfying relationship with your partner is added.
When heating your sex life is the main purpose of yoga, or simply provide just a fortunate side effect, chalk this information as a reason for the largest carpet. These are the main means of operation:

In a more subtle level, yoga helps you develop an awareness of the sensations of the body. Learning to feel the weight of influence on the inner edges of the palms downward dog, for example, you learn to enjoy all the sensations in your body - even the really nice that happen during sex. It also helps you grounded in your body and your head when your thoughts, enjoy the experience at hand, or in class, hanging out with friends or beds.
Raise your hand if you fell asleep during sex, or feel the stirring excitement, but they were so tired that we opted instead for bed. According to a recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation, one third of women say tiredness causes a decrease in sex. And a clinical study in 2004 was conducted at Harvard Medical School, found that only eight weeks, a simple yoga practice at home significantly improved sleep quality for the toughest audience - chronic insomnia. It is a simple exercise to connect the dots - yoga, sleep better, have more sex.
Effects of yoga than the physical. It helps us feel more comfortable in a weak position - or a full copy of the class or a talk from heart to heart at night to turn in bed.
A recent study shows that people who practice yoga are less weight as they age than those who did yoga at all. And while feeling more fit an undeniable force, sustained yoga practice also encourages you your respect for your body to develop.
Better orgasms
In a purely physical level, yoga postures much - such as upavista konasana, or wide-legged straddle pose - increase blood flow to the pelvis. In our sedentary world, are the muscles that cross the basin is limited chronic. Another important aspect of yoga refers to the involvement and development of the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened (known in Sanskrit mula bandha, or root lock), making the muscles that play an important role in orgasm.
Caused certain
These are two of the many yoga exercises that can help more fun in the box:
Upavista Konasana (Wide straddle forward bend)
How to: on the floor with her legs open Sit muscles are activated and toes and knees up. Rotate your upper body as far as comfortable. Hold for 5-10 breaths.
Sexual Benefits: Increases blood flow (and thus the sensitivity) in the pelvis.
Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose, also known as building Zapatero)
How: Stand with your knees bent and feet touching Carefully grab the big toes and lean your upper body forward over your legs (back is slightly rounded). Hold for 5-10 breaths.
Sexual benefits: Alleviates urinary and uterine disorders. Strengthens the uterus. Eases irritability, anxiety and fatigue, three reasons why not to have sex.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is an ancient art and science to make the body and the mind get under control through exercises.There are also breathing techniques that need to be maintained and when this Yoga is done well regularly all diseases as well as extra fat can be controlled. Plastic Surgeons Atlanta
