Pure Yoga

These simple tips Pure Yoga to help you awaken your third eye to reduce stress, enhance healing vibration of your energy, better, improve concentration and help you discover the great yoga mind or consciousness.
So there you go ...

Pranayama Bhastrika: -
Procedure: Inhale deeply, and then exhale completely.
Duration: - 2 minutes at least. Up to 5 minutes.
Benefits: - helps the heart, lungs, brain, depression, migraine, paralysis, nervous system. Aabha increase..

Pranayama Viloma Anuloma: -
How to: - Hold your nose with your right thumb, inhale through the left. Now open right nasal and close left nasal with middle and ring finger and exhale through your right nostril.
Duration: - at least 10 minutes.
Advantages: useful for curves heart, hypertension, heart block, VAT CUF-sky, arthritis, cartilage, ligaments, reduced fluid sinual, paralysis, Parkinson,
Tips: - breath into the lungs to the stomach. No organ in stomach absorbs oxygen. Take your time. Do it slowly. Rest as needed (in any pranayama).

Pranayama Baharya: -
Procedure: - to breathe air, his chin touching the breast (Jalandhar Bandh), pull the belly and hold for a while. Then let your chin, exhale slowly.
Duration: - 3 times to 5 times normal. Up to 11 times. And very max 21 times (in winter).
Pros: - Useful for a stomach hernia, urinal, and uterus
Tips: - not for heart and hypertension.

Kapal Bhati Pranayama: -
Procedure: - strong buoyancy. The stomach
Duration: - Start with 30 times or 1 min to an increase of at least 5 minutes to 10 minutes
Advantages: - High Aabha and Tej. Contributes to obesity, constipation, stomach pain, heartburn, Croesus (liver), hepatitis B, uterus, diabetes.
Tips: - cardiac patients and hypertension, and weak people do it slowly

Pranayama Bhramri: -
Procedure: - close the ears with the thumb, index finger on his forehead, and rest of three based on the nose touching eyes. Now, inhale and exhale through the nose while humming like a bee.
Duration: - 10 minutes
Advantages: - tension, blood pressure, hypertension, heart, heart block, paralysis, migraine pain, confidence and concentration.

The person who exercises daily and regularly, the following advantages briefly described below to achieve: -
* All three doshas (juice) - Vata, Pitta and Kapha adapt in suitable proportions and eliminate anomalies in them.
* Digestive system improves and diseases related to the digestive system are healed.
* Obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, constipation, bloating, heartburn, breathing problems, allergies, migraines, hypertension, kidney diseases, sexual disorders of men and women, etc. are also healed.
* Diseases associated with lung, heart and brain are healed.
* Strengthen resistance to disease. Immunity develops.
* Hereditary diseases like diabetes and heart disease can be prevented.
* Hair loss or hair premature aging, wrinkles on the face or other body parts at a young age, impaired vision, forgetfulness, etc. are relieved and delay aging.
* Face is light, bright and calm.
* The power of his yoga exercises, meditation is easy.
* All bodies of enteric diseases and physical will be healed. Freedom from negative and adverse environmental conditions, such as anger, lust, greed, money, arrogance, etc. can be achieved.
You can read Swami Ramdev Yoga Swami Ramdev Yoga and benefits and are interested.
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